Cor-Tek Power, LLC

DigiTrak Receiver Repair - When to Repair Your DigiTrak Receiver

Posted by Benjamin Nickel on

HDD can be a long and complicated process. Any forman or engineer will tell you, the amount of equipment needed on hand at any given moment is astronomical. The problem with a lot of the more detrimental equipment is: If it breaks, we sit. 

Lost time on a job site for any type of drilling means big bucks. Not only are you responsible for the time loss, you also have to take into account the extra man hours you have to pay for. When it comes to the Receivers for your transmitters behind your drill head, one fumble can turn an already long day into an uneventful, painful slog. 

Receivers and what you can Repair - Parts

  • Casing- The locator casing is essential to the receiver. If you find yourself with cracks in the casing or the seams coming apart, it allows for easy access for debris or water to make its way into the inner workings. Preemptively getting this fixed saves you time in the long run, and money.
  • Receiver/remote display may be broken. This also lowers the accuracy of the device. Your reputable repair shop can get this fixed in no time, avoiding delays on your already time sensitive worksite. 
  •  incorrect operation of the locator or remote display- when you fail to switch on or to switch off till the battery is out, the modes set incorrectly and can cause a bit of frustration. These take time and knowledge to fix if you have not run into the problem before. 
  • Broken Glass, Buttons, Joysticks- Though these things may seem small, the parts on your receiver are how you interact with it. To leave the receiver in disrepair will end up costing you time, money, and at least a few gray hairs. 

The good news is, the technology and knowledge of how to repair HDD equipment is always improving. With these improvements come the accessibility for repair companies to get ahold of new techniques and allow for faster and more accurate repairs. This also leads into keeping the cost down for everyone involved. 

Receivers and what you can Repair - Computer

  • Losing all data periodically
  • Displayed data is incorrectly shown
  • Steady signal from the transmitter but no/incorrect data displayed
  • Positioning/heading is off 
  • Only getting Crosstalk

Without going too far into it, the computer inside the receiver can go out of whack just like any cell phone or home computer you come across. Most of the time, it takes a Receiver technician to calibrate it back on track, but if you're lucky you have an engineer or forman who has seen a thing or two onsite that can get the job done. 

If you find yourself in need of repairs, or walk in one day to a missing battery, give CorTek Power a call. Located in Richland Hills, Texas we offer a wide range of services for your HDD needs with over 10 years of experience. From Receivers and repairs, to batteries or transmitters we can get your jobsite what it needs to get back on track. Downtime is money lost. 

Please give us a call at 888-374-0382, send us an email or visit our website at and see what we can do for you. Expedited service is what we specialize in.

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